Hello Everyone! Its been a while since my last post because I decided to go back in the office and I am also back in Japanese language school. Fortunately, Golden Week, is right around the corner, so I hopefully will have more time to make content when I can catch up on sleep.


For the past six months, I was working from home and it was driving me crazy. I worked throughout the night, and while it would seem that I'd have the luxury of having the day to myself, I actually needed to be sleeping, but I never did know...banking hours, ward office tasks, laundry, hanging with friends, all of those things need to be done during the day. So, I was literally running on 4 hrs. of sleep. I don't know how Americans living in Japan actually function working on American time.

So, on April 1st, I made the decision to go back to in person, and it's alright. It's nice getting my work done without being sleep deprived. It does suck a little because I miss to have the flexibility to enjoy the nice weather whenever I feel like it, but fortunately, I have the flexibility to revert back if I find it too stifling. Until then though, I'm back on JST!


I'm slowing upgrading my electronics! Now that I am back in school and commuting again, I decided to invest in an iPad! It's my very first tablet, and I spent like 6 hours trying to customize it and make it all aesthetic looking. I am still getting used to the Apple universe, but I am enjoying my iPad so far. I think I am going to invest in an Apple pencil soon so I can practice writing kanji!

My sister also gifted me with airpods, so no more wired headphones. I am still not use to charging them, and am completely beside myself when they die, but they are pretty cool. I am also looking into upgrading my cellphone too. I wish Samsung was readily available here, as I miss my Samsung, but I may upgrade to an Apple phone just because I want the flexibility of infinite cute cases and accessories.


I finally filed my US taxes. This is my fourth tax season in Japan, and I still act brand new every time it is time to file. It's so complicated because of the foreign income and foreign address. Fortunately, I found a tax software where that is not a problem, at least for filing for Federal taxes. State taxes are a bit more complicated because of the payment method. I can only pay with a credit card with an American address or a US Paypal. I don't have my US debit card with them, as the new one was sent to my mom's house, but fortunately I still have a US Paypal.

Next year will be a bit problematic because I'll have both U.S. and Japanese income, so I should probably start much earlier. My advice to other American's in Japan is try to keep at least one U.S. address, have someone whose phone number you can borrow, and also don't close your bank accounts!


I went to Meiji Jingu Shrine a few weeks ago, and I was able to get my fortune for the year. This year, I got: 

かりそめのことは 思はでくらすこそ 世にながらへむ薬なるらめ

Managing to live without becoming concerned with trivial things seems in terms of living long to be the best medicine.

I think this "fortune" comes at the perfect time because there's so many big picture things going on right now in my life that I should focus on instead of nit-picking about the small things. So, I am going to hang this where I can see it everyday and try to remember to keep my eye on the long-term, big picture, goals!


I am thinking of getting my driver's license in Japan! I had completely ruled it out due to hearing all the horror stories and the convenience of the trains, but I have found myself wanting to go for a drive more and more. I heard it's really difficult getting a Japanese driver's license, especially for me who has to get it from scratch since there's no agreement with my home state for a practical driving exam exemption (T.T). However, I really miss blasting my music and driving around a 2 A.M. daydreaming of going to far off places. Also, it'd be nice to be able to rent one in a pinch. Well, anyway, it won't happen this year because I still need to change my name on U.S. driver's license, but after that, I honestly think I am going to go for it!