The December 2022 JLPT results were released on the official JLPT website at exactly midnight Japanese standard time for those who sat the exam in Japan. I, and many others, were sitting in front of our computers with both excitement and trepidation as we watched the clock. 

I knew I had to get up early Monday morning to attend a very stressful, and fairly traumatic, appointment. I was already a ball of anxiety, but I just had to know my score. Before that, there were leaks of the exam on Chinese websites, and I tried to remember my answers to see if I had a chance at passing, but they brought little relief.

I didn't attempt to login until around 12:19AM. My first attempt failed, as the website was completely overloaded. I kept refreshing until I could finally login. 404 error again. I needed to be faster. I switched to using my phone, as it's easier to refresh. After about 10 attempts, I was able to hurriedly smash-click through the links and got to the page that would display my score. 

Using my phone actually prolonged the revealing, as I had to scroll horizontally through the page.... And...

I passed! I honestly couldn't believe it. I had e-mailed my teacher a week prior, and she was like, "I'm sure you're going to pass!", but I wasn't too confident, especially because I didn't feel like I did well on the vocabulary section, and I practically didn't study for a whole month prior to the exam.

Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Grammar): 37 (A/A)

Reading: 36

Listening: 47

Overall Score: 120/180

I'm actually surprised I got a higher score in vocab/grammar than reading. I totally thought I bombed the vocab part! I am not surprised that listening is my highest score, as I knew that was going to be my strongest section. 

Needless to say, I can no longer call myself a beginner anymore and am officially an intermediate level Japanese speaker! Though, honestly, I still feel like N3 is upper-beginner, with N2 being intermediate, but I digress. Now that the exam is out of the way, I'm going to start on my N2 journey. I still believe I have a lot of N3 to study, so it'll be a hybrid approach at self-study, but look forward to my posts on what I used to study for N3 and more!

How did you guys do? Share your thoughts about the exam and your score. I'd love to read them!